It is rare for a comic book game to be truly great as many are uninspired cash grabs or rushed movie tie-ins. However, the Batman: Arkham series has constantly shown how amazing comic book games can be. Starting with Batman: Arkham Asylum in 2009, every main entry in the series has fluid combat, great storytelling, and excellent voice acting, making them all genuine game of the year contenders.

Yet, no series is perfect, and there are several things in the games that don't quite make sense. None of the imperfections are big enough to ruin the titles, but they're big enough to make fun of as these ten Batman: Arkhammemes show.

10 Batman Has Priorities

The issue with the open-worldBatman: Arkham games is that it's easy to get distracted by meaningless tasks. In Arkham Knight, there are plenty of villains at large and people in danger. But there are also fun yet less important AR missions to do.

It's a miracle that the game's missing firefighters live long enough to be rescued as they take a long time to find when Batman is fully focused on tracking them down, never mind when he's spending most of his time testing his abilities in augmented reality.

9 The Batsuit's Biggest Weakpoint

In the fourth game, the eponymous Arkham Knight gives his troops vital intel on how to take down Batman, from tactics they should use to weaknesses they can exploit. The Knight even reveals certain weak points of the Batsuit. However, instead of aiming at those hard to hit spots, they could just shoot him in the mouth.

Batman has never had his mouth protected in the Arkham games let alone almost every piece of media he starred in, yet nobody targets it. A bullet to the mouth might not kill the Dark Knight, but it's sure to cause a lot of damage!

8 Croc's Weaker Than He Looks

Batman comes up against Killer Croc in most of the Arkham games. Due to the monster's incredible size and strength, the Caped Crusader often needs to outsmart him instead of beat him up. Although, when Batman does need to attack the beast head-on, he uses his cape to stun him.

The games never explain what exactly the cape is made out of, but with this being Batman, it isn't likely just fabric. However, even if the cape is lined with some metal, it still shouldn't be strong enough to stun the almost indestructible Killer Croc.

7 The Absence Of Wire Cutters

Another adversary that Batman faces off against a lot in the Arkham series is the Riddler. The intellectual villain constantly challenges the Dark Knight by giving him riddles to answer and trophies to find.

Getting to some of the trophies can be difficult because they're behind ordinary wire fences, and Batman is required to solve a puzzle or find another way around to reach them. And for some reason, the Dark Knight, with all his incredible technology, can't get through something that somebody with a pair of dollar store wire cutters could get past.

6 It's A Strict Code

Batman doesn't kill in the Arkham games, although that's because the people he's fighting are seemingly invincible. The amount of damage the hero dishes out on his opponents is insane, and it makes no sense that they all survive.

Also, it doesn't make sense that someone with such a strict no-kill code would risk murdering people as often as he does. Batman is an extremely intelligent individual, so he must know that when dropping a massive, heavy light directly on someone's head, there's a high kill risk.

5 Title Inaccuracy

Arkham Origins follows Batman in the early stages of his crime-fighting career , specifically when he is still a target for the GCPD and it recounts his initial meeting with The Joker. The game isn't about Bruce Wayne putting on the cowl for the first time, even though it's titledOrigins.

Understandably Batman's overly familiar origin story doesn't make for an action-packed video game. And yet, they could've come up with a different title for the prequel!

4 Why Settle With Just Breaking The Bat?

In the Arkham games, the likes of The Joker and Scarecrow are obsessed with messing with Batman's mind instead of just killing him. Because of this, they keep the hero alive - which almost always proves to be their downfall.

As Bane is more mentally stable (usually) than some of Batman's other adversaries, players would expect him to kill the Dark Knight instantly with his Venom-fueled super strength. However, when Bane gets a hold of him, he usually just throws the hero at a wall or something.

3 Time Travelling Grapnel Guns

There's a moment in Arkham City where Batman requests a booster for his grapnel gun, and Alfred is hesitant to give it to him since it's just a prototype. Yet, somehow in Arkham Origins, Batman already has an accelerator on his grapnel gun despite it taking place many years earlier.

It could be explained that they're two different pieces of equipment (one's called an accelerator, the other is a booster). However, if Alfred was so unsure about using the prototype booster, why didn't he just give Batman the accelerator that worked perfectly years ago and was virtually identical?

2 The World's Greatest Detective

To find the locations of the previously mentioned Riddler trophies and riddles in Arkham City, Origins, and Knight, Batman needs to interrogate the villain's informants.

As every Riddler thug reveals the location of many things at once, the voice actor couldn't describe all of them as it would take a long time and be very boring. So instead, during the interrogation, the thug says that he'll talk, to which Batman responds by knocking him out before listening. And then, magically, the trophies/riddles appear on the map. What?

1 Overly Confident Goons

Criminals in the Arkham series aren't the smartest bunch. This is evidenced by how they challenge Batman every time they see him (unless he's in the Batmobile). For some reason, they believe they can fair better against the Dark Knight than the likes of Killer Croc and Bane.

It's not as if the goons are fearless as they often become terrified during the games' predator sections, and they run away when the Caped Crusader is in his vehicle. But if the hero is stood in the street, then for whatever reason, they will always attack him. Self-preservation is obviously not their strongest suit.

NEXT: 10 Final Fantasy Memes That Prove The Games Make No Sense